e-Orch & the Grid Notation
Everyone can make music
An abbreviated form of electronic orchestra, e-Orch is a music ensemble featuring tablets and speakers as instruments. In an e-Orch, participants sit as an orchestra to conduct a series of music activities, including jamming, music creating, rehearsal and performance. At the end of each e-Orch program, live concerts can be carried out, just the same as traditional orchestras.
The Grid Notation
A patent licensed by The Education University of Hong Kong, this easy-reading music notation reduces the difficulty of music score learning and notating. This award-winning invention significantly lowers the barrier to music performance and creation, especially under the e-Orch setting.
Target participants: P4 or above
Services offered:
- One-day workshop
- Weekly Program
- Regular school music unit
- Lecture-demonstration
- Teacher professional development workshop